The York Federation of Students | Clubs Services

Club Funding


York Federation of Students (YFS) recognizes the rights of students to form clubs and associations at York University as a forum for expressing their views and to meet academic, social, religious and cultural needs at York University.

YFS provides funding for student clubs at York University to support their initiatives, which enhances the experience of students at York University. YFS is dedicated to supporting all inclusive and accessible events at York University. Club funding is provided solely to clubs that have been ratified by YFS.

To ensure accountability and efficiency for the distribution of club funding, YFS has adopted the Club Funding Operations Policy. In it, you will find:

  • Terms of Funding
  • Types of Funding
  • Application Process
  • Adjudication information
  • Funding Pick-Up
  • Event Promotion


Types of Funding

Event Funding

**Ratified Clubs are eligible to apply for up to $800 in event funding. **

Be sure to read through the Club Funding Policy with your club executives so that everyone understands what types of events can be funded and for how much you may be funded for. It is important to note that club funding is never guaranteed, so we have set out a forms process that will give you a good idea of how much funding you will most likely be eligible for. Once forms are submitted, they are reviewed and decisions are made by a Clubs Committee.

Before your event you can fill out a Pre-Event Funding Form. By submitting this form you will be eligible to receive 40% of the approved funding. Once the event has taken place, you have to fill out the Post-Event Funding Form with all your receipts scanned within 28-days to be considered for the remaining 60%. If you do not need more funding, you must still submit a Post-Event Funding Form with all of your receipts. Receipts MUST be itemized.

You also have the option to submit a Post-Event Funding Form to apply for the full 100% of your request. Attendance Lists are required for off campus events.


If your event happens before a Clubs Committee Meeting is held, your submitted Pre-Event Funding Form will not be considered and you will be expected to submit a Post-Event Funding Form instead.

If you do not receive an email confirmation upon submitting your application, it did not go through.

Base Funding

All YFS Ratified Clubs are eligible to receive up to $300 in Base Funding.

Base Funding can be used to assist the club in getting the year started.

This can include but is not limited to office supplies and marketing initiatives. You will receive a notification of approval after a Clubs Committee Meeting is held to approve the funding.

Clubs must be ratified before they can receive Base Funding. If your club is Ratified for the 2023 Fall semester, **the deadline to submit a Base Funding Form is October 30. **

Relief Funding

Relief funding is to aid YFS-Ratified clubs who have taken a significant loss on an event and must be submitted within 28-days of the event in question. Relief funding may be applied for once per fiscal year. The maximum clubs can apply for in Relief Funding is $800, given that proper receipts are provided. We do strongly urge fiscal discipline in organizing your events.

Please note that the normal rules of funding still apply when Relief Funding is applied for, for example we will not fund alcohol or capital expenses.

How To Apply for Relief Funding:

Submit a detailed Post-Event Form:

  1. Please include all expenses and revenue sources from the event.
  2. Expenses include: deposits, food, materials, promotions, equipment, venue, guest speakers.
  3. Revenue Sources include: sponsorship, event funding, ticket sales, donations, other proceeds
  4. Include a 1-page letter addressed to the YFS Clubs Committee.

This letter must include:

  • An explanation of what happened to the event
  • Why this funding is required (i.e. the financial status of your club)
  • Any other relevant information
  • Post-Event Form submitted within 28-days of the event