We Demand…
The elimination tuition fees... for all
- Ontario has one of the highest tuition fees in the country
- Tuition fees in Ontario has increased over a decade to makeup for government funding shortfalls.
- The average post-secondary student in Ontario graduates with over $28,800 in debt.
The government MUST increase public funding for public education.
Public funding for public education
- Ontario has the lowest per-student funding in Canada - roughly 35% less than the national average.
- Underfunding leads to large class sizes, less access to instructors and professors, high tuition fees and crumbling campus infrastructure.
- Less than 50% of operating budgets for most institutions come from the government making them publicly assisted not publicly funded.
The government MUST immediately eliminate the harmful Student Choice Initiative.
Protect students’ independent voices
- As autonomous organizations, students’ unions have the right to advocate for prosperity of student life.
- Student-led initiatives hold administration and government accountable and are an essential aspect of campus life.
- Student media serves as an outlet for students to have their voices heard, as well as, a way to report on what matters to the student body as a whole.
The government MUST immediately eliminate the harmful Student Choice Initiative.
The right to organize
- Students’ unions exist on campuses around the world to provide students with a united voice, create space, advocate for change and operate essential support services.
- Student union autonomy allows students to have control over what services, events, and campaigns they value most on campus. Students have democratically voted to fund services, events, campaigns, student media and student groups through the collection of dues.
The government MUST protect the existence of students’ unions by passing legislation that recognizes their autonomy at post-secondary institutions.
Grants not loans
- In 2017, over 234,000 students (40% of the domestic, full-time student population) received non-repayable grants to pursue college or university.
- Recent government changes have reverted grants to loans, which will result in increased debt for students.
- Public education should be a right, not a debt sentence.
The government MUST increase funding for grants instead of loans and expand eligibility for non- repayable grants to ALL students.
Here’s a timeline of what We the Students, have done together.
March 20th, 2019: Walk-Out
Along with the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), we held a province-wide walk-out which demanded that the provincial government provide more student grants, increase funding for public education and even eliminate tuition fees for all students.
Students from all faculties, colleges, and community leaders came together, walked out of class, and occupied Vari Hall to let our government and administration know that we were angry.
But we only got angrier.
Nov 6th, 2019: One-Day Student Strike
In September of 2019, domestic students checked their OSAP accounts, International students paid their tuition fees and student unions were battling the Student Choice initiative and we decided to take to the streets for our one day student strike.
On November 6th, 2019, we organized a one-day student strike, to let this government know that the students united will never be defeated.
We picketed at Main Gate, which is located at the intersection of York Boulevard and Keele Street.
We then marched towards the subway and held a rally with various speakers, and allies to the student movement. Our one day student strike was a disruption of normal university operations.
Change is possible and our student strike made as much noise as we could in order to show this government that students feel the impact of the regressive cuts to education and are demanding change.
Stay tuned for more actions and opportunities to unite, and fight against the cuts to education.
WeTheStudents will never be defeated!