YFS Health & Dental Plan
The York Federation of Students offers a very comprehensive student health and dental plan in all of Canada. The plan covers extended health and dental insurance all at a low cost to you. Most full-time undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in the plan, however students should always check their Student Account Statement to confirm enrollment before seeking undergoing treatments or purchasing services and medications. If you have comparable insurance, you can coordinate your benefits or opt-out for a refund!
For more information or general inquiries about the health and dental plan, contact: healthplan@yfs.ca
For inquiries about a specific matter, contact yfshp@yfs.ca
The Fall and Winter Opt-in and Opt-out applications are now closed.
Fall 2024 deadline: October 18, 2024
Winter 2025 deadline: February 7, 2025
Opt Out
In order to opt out of the YFS Health and Dental plan, you need to have alternate health and dental insurance comparable to what the YFS offers; otherwise, your request will be denied (OHIP and UHIP are not considered alternative coverage).
Fall opt-out period: The opt-out period begins September 1, 2024, and the deadline to opt-out of the Health and Dental Plan is October 18, 2024. The Opt-out application is now closed.
Winter opt-out period: Students who did NOT enroll in Fall or Full-year courses and begin studies in the winter term are eligible to opt-out during the winter opt-out period. This period starts on January 1, 2025, and the deadline to opt out is February 7, 2025. The Opt-out application is now closed.
Summer: There is no opt-out period during the summer term.
All Opt-out Applications for Fall and Winter students are now closed.
Fall 2024 deadline: October 18, 2024
Winter 2025 deadline: February 7, 2025
After completing the online opt-out, you will receive an email indicating that you completed the process, including an opt-out confirmation code. The confirmation code you receive via email does NOT guarantee you a refund. It simply means your application was successfully submitted to the insurance provider for review.
If your application is deemed successful, the Health Plan fee will be reimbursed to your student account two-three weeks after submission. If you have already paid the YFS Health & Dental Plan levy, you can Request a Refund online on the Student Financial Services page. If you have not yet paid the YFS Health & Dental Plan levy, the amount will be reversed into your York University Student Account Statement. If you do not receive a refund two-three weeks after you’ve submitted your opt-out application, it is likely your application came back declined. It is the student’s responsibility to contact us before the deadline to rectify the application, seeing that the student is eligible for an opt-out.
Blackout Period
There is a blackout period for the first month and a half of the Health Plan where you will not be able to access your benefits. Any health and dental services received during the blackout period can be submitted for claim reimbursement after the blackout period. This period ends shortly after York University confirms your enrollment. Please check back closer to the opt-in/out deadline for updates on the conclusion of the blackout period. Please see our FAQ below on how to submit claims electronically!
If you are a JD or LOP student, you are now covered with the York Federation of Students!
Note: if you are a graduate, you are covered with the York University Graduate Students Association (YUGSA). Please click here to visit their website for more information.
Opt In
The YFS Health and Dental Plan offers extended health coverage to all undergraduate students. Most students are automatically charged for the plan at the beginning of the term. However, students enrolled in less than 15 credits or enrolled late in courses may not be automatically charged & enrolled into the YFS Health and Dental Plan. If you wish to have the benefits offered by the plan and you do not see a charge on your student account statement, you will need to fill out the opt-in form prior to the opt-in deadline.
Students can extend their coverage to their dependents (i.e., spouse, common-law partner, and/or children - biological, adopted/legal guardian under 24 and in school full-time). To add one or more dependent(s), you must provide the appropriate documents (please review the document checklist below). An additional amount is to be paid on top of the INDIVIDUAL plan fee to add dependents (please see the rates below).
Important: If it is your first time adding a dependent to your coverage, you must bring a copy of your documentation as we will retain it on file. Each academic year moving forward you will not have to provide that documentation, unless you are adding a new dependent.
Please note that each dependent receives the same amount of coverage such as same services and products.
Students must enroll their dependents and pay the appropriate fee each year if they wish to include their dependents onto their coverage. All dependents become inactive as of September 1st of each following year.
Note: If you see a charge for the health plan on your student account, please do not fill out this form.
Please allow three weeks from the date you completed your application for your insurance to be active.
All Opt-in Applications for Fall and Winter students are now closed.
Fall 2024 deadline: October 18, 2024
Winter 2025 deadline: February 7, 2025
Fall opt-in period: The opt-in period begins September 1, 2024, and the deadline to opt-in is October 18, 2024. The Opt-in Application is now closed.
Winter opt-in period: Students who did NOT enroll in Fall or Full-year courses and begin studies in the winter term are eligible to opt in during the winter opt-in period. This period starts on January 1, 2025, and the deadline to opt-in is February 7, 2025. The Opt-in Application is now closed.
Summer: There is no opt-in period during the summer term.
*Appointments: If you require additional assistance, you can book an appointment with the Director, Health and Dental Plan here.
Your Benefits
To see a full listing of all your health and dental benefits, download the "My Benefits Plan" booklet
Coverage period
Students enrolled in fall and full-year studies: September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025
Students enrolled in winter studies: January 1, 2025 - August 31, 2025
80% up to a maximum of $1,000
Includes IUDs, the patch and Nuvaring
The following professional visits are $25 per visit up to $300 per benefit year.
- Osteopathy
- Dietician
- Naturopathic care (remedies not included)
- Speech Pathology (medical referral required)
The below services are $50 per visit up to $600.
- Physiotherapy
- Acupuncture
- Massage Therapy (medical referral required)
The below service is usual & customary charges per visit up to $650
- Chiropractic care
The below service has changed as of September 1, 2024 to $125 per visit up to 10 visits.
- Psychotherapy
$100/24 month based on first paid claim (Prescribed Glasses/Contacts)
$75/24 months based on first paid claim (Students who are 19 years or younger must use OHIP)
75 % up to a maximum of $600
100% up to $200/24 month based on first paid claim (when prescribed by your attending physician, podiatrist or chiropodist)
$25 a visit, up to $300. Podiatry services are not eligible until the provincial health insurance plan (OHIP) annual maximums have been exhausted.
NOTE: A chiropodist is a specialist in treating minor ailments of the feet, including fitting patients for Orthotics. Chiropodists are not graduate physicians and their activity should be restricted entirely to the treatment of corns, ingrown toenails and other minor foot conditions.
If you are covered for extended health and dental benefits under more than one plan, your benefits under this plan will be coordinated with the other plan so that you may be reimbursed up to 100% of the eligible expense incurred.
Claims must be submitted to the primary payor first. Any unpaid balances should then be submitted to the secondary plan(s).
As a Green Shield plan member, your student plan is always your primary plan. Submit your claims to Green Shield first and if you have a balance remaining, you may submit it to the secondary carrier(s) or benefit plan(s), if applicable, such as a parental plan.
How much does this plan cost?
Full-Time Student Fee: $315.72 is charged per individual undergraduate student taking 15 credits or more between fall and winter terms or those taking 9 credits or more during the winter term only. This fee is a one-time charge for the benefit year - this is not a monthly rate.
Part-Time Student Fee: $619.44 is charged per individual undergraduate student taking 14 or fewer credits between fall and winter terms. This fee is a one-time charge for the benefit year - this is not a monthly rate.
*** If you are taking 14 credits or less and are registered with Student Accessibility Services, a graduating student, and/or enrolled in a co-op program, you will not be automatically charged and must fill out the opt-in application during the opt-in period.
Can I add someone to my plan?
Yes! Students can add their spouse, common law partner and/or children at an additional cost. Please review the opt-in section for more information.
To add dependents onto your coverage, you need to complete an online opt-in form prior to the deadline. You will need to fill out an online form and provide proof of your relationship with the dependent. For the purpose of the YFS Health & Dental Plan, dependents are defined as: children - biological, adopted/legal guardian under 24 and in school full-time.
The deadline for the Fall Term is October 18, 2024. The deadline for the winter semester is February 7, 2025. You must wait until the beginning of the opt-in window in order to include dependents on the plan.
To add one or more dependent(s)/family, there is an additional amount to be paid on top of the INDIVIDUAL plan fee. Please see the rates list in the opt in section.
Why is this plan mandatory?
When the health plan was first created, students voted for a mandatory system. The health plan is mandatory because the cost would be too great and the benefit too little. In an opt-out package, insurers are able to spread out the potential risk (i.e. the likelihood that they would have to pay the claim) amongst a large group of people, driving down the cost for everyone.
Who is eligible for coverage?
Full-Time Students:
All undergraduate students who are taking 15 credits or more from Fall and Winter terms are eligible for the plan.
Part-Time Students:
Undergraduate students taking 14 or fewer credits between fall and winter semesters. Please fill out the online opt-in form available during the opt-in period. Please see Question #2 for rates.
Glendon Students:
For more information, please visit Student Affairs, Glendon Campus at York Hall C114
Osgoode (JD & LOP) Undergraduates:
Starting from September 1, 2023, Osgoode (JD & LOP) undergraduate students are eligible for the YFS Health and Dental Plan.
Students with Dis/Ability:
Students enrolled in 12-14 credits between Fall and Winter terms, and registered with the Student Accessibility Services are not automatically charged and need to opt into the YFS Health and Dental Plan by filling out an opt-in application. Please ensure you have your letter of accommodation ready to submit when filling out the opt-in application. The Fall opt-in application is available from September 1, 2024, until October 18, 2024.
Students registered with Student Accessibility Services who are beginning their studies in the Winter term and enrolled in 6-8 credits would have to fill out the opt-in application that is open from January 1, 2025, until February 7, 2025.
Graduating Students:
If you currently have less than 15 credits and also ready to graduate; please provide us with a transcript that verifies you have completed over 80 credits. Please enroll manually by completing an online opt-in form prior to the deadline (the form will be available as of September 1, 2024).
How am I charged for the plan?
Once you are enrolled into 15 or more credits the YFS Health and Dental Plan, the fee (levy or premium) will be automatically charged to your York University Student Account Statement ANNUALLY during the academic year. This will happen either on or between mid-August to early September for Fall students.
For the Winter term only, the charges will appear on your student account in December.
WINTER STUDENTS - PLEASE NOTE: Some Winter students are not automatically enrolled in the YFS Health and Dental Plan in the Winter term. If you want to be opted into the YFS Health and Dental Plan, please opt in by submitting an opt-in application before the Winter deadline.
SUMMER STUDENTS: There is no enrollment in the summer session.
Please check the status of York University Student Account Statement online on the 16 of each month) to make sure that the charge is posted. It will read like this depending on the date: "20-Aug-2024 Adjustment Health Care & Dental - YFS $315.72". If you do not see this charge please submit an opt-in application before the respective deadline. Please note, opt-in applications take up three (3) weeks to process.
How can I cancel the plan?
Students with alternative insurance can opt out of the YFS Health and Dental Plan during their respective opt-out period. Please ensure that you are aware of the deadlines listed in the opt-out section.
After completing the online opt-out, you will receive an e-mail confirmation, including an application number. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation, it is likely that your application did not go through or was not successful. In this case, take a look in the spam folder of your e-mail account used to complete the online opt-out form.
The plan fee will be reimbursed to your student account 2-3 weeks after your submission. You will receive a refund if you have already paid the YFS Health & Dental Plan levy. If you have not yet paid the YFS Health & Dental Plan levy, the amount will be reversed into your York University Student Account Statement. All the opt-outs will be processed within three (3) weeks for a refund/reversal into your student account.
For more information, please visit Student Financial Services. It will read like this, depending on the date. "25-Sept-2024 Adjustment Health Care – YFS - Reversal -315.72". If a cheque is issued to you, it will read like this, depending on the date. "25-Sept-2024 Cheque Issue Refund Cheque -315.72".
Do I need to opt-out every year?
The plan fee is charged every year. Therefore, unless you want to coordinate your benefits, you need to opt-out of the YFS Health & Dental Plan each academic year.
How do I file a claim?
All electronic/claims submitted to Green Shield require your Green Shield Identification number. Your identification number at Green Shield is: “YFS” + your student number –"00". eg. YFS123456789-00
Most prescription drugs and dental claims are directly billed to the provider of services, where applicable; e.g. pharmacies or dental offices. If you are not able to directly bill a service provider you can file a claim through your online Green Shield Account to be reimbursed.
How to create your online green shield account:
Visit the Green Shield Student Centre
- From the drop-down menu, click on York Federation of Students/Glendon College
- Click Login located in top right corner
- Click "Get a registration key"
- Input your First/Last name and your Plan Member ID: YFS+student number-00
- eg. YFS123456789-00
- Key will be emailed to you
- Go back to Green Shield Online Services and go to "Register here"
- Input your plan member ID (mentioned above) and your registration key.
- Create username and password
- Go to "Sign in here" to sign in to your account.
Sign up for direct deposit. Simply register today for "Plan Member Online Services" (using your unique Green Shield Canada Identification Number) which is YFS+STUDENT#-(00) for Direct Deposit.
How to make sure your claim is included in the Health Plan?
This information can be found in the Benefits Booklet or by simply contacting Green Shield Canada directly to receive benefit eligibility information. NOTE: It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware if a service/treatment is covered by the plan prior to receiving the service.
Find answers about reaching your maximum for drug and dental coverage and receive your claim through Direct Deposit.
This information would be available on your electronic statements posted to your secure, personal Plan Member Online profile. Register here. Once registered, an access code will be emailed your email address entered in the Green Shield Canada system. Just register once and you will be connected anywhere and anytime.
When does the benefit year start & end?
YFS Health & Dental Plan benefit year always starts on September 1 and ends the following year on August 31 (for example, September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025). Winter students: Plan Period will start on January 1 and end on August 31.
The pay direct "card-less" for prescription drugs and dental coverage and the booklet including the plan information will be available and activated with all providers on September 1, 2024.
How do I use the insurance?
To use the YFS Health and Dental Plan all you need is the information below:
- **Benefit Provider: **GREEN SHIELD CANADA
- Student Plan Member ID: YFS + Student Number -00 (eg. YFS123456789-00)
* **Group Policy/Plan No:** 11111 * **Division/Section No:** YFS * **Employer:** York Federation of Students * **Certificate No/ I.D. No:** Your Student Number
The YFS Health & Dental Plan is now cardless. You can access your virtual card here.
What does the plan cover?
For all information regarding what benefits the YFS Health and Dental Plan covers, click here.
You need to pay the full amount for all extended health benefits and services/products for example, Osteopathy, Chiropractic Care, Naturopathic care (remedies not included), Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, and Massage Therapy, etc.
What does the usual & customary charge for chiropractic care mean?
Usual and customary charge (U&C) is the maximum amount that an insurance company can pay for a service. This means that when students are utilizing their chiropractic care coverage, it excludes additional fees charged by your chiropractor (i.e., essential oil fees, music fees, etc).