2025 YFS General Elections


The York Federation of Students’ General Elections have passed. Please see below for more details.

Unratified Results


Important Dates


The Nomination period for the YFS General Election will be happening from January 22nd to January 31st.
Nomination packages can be picked up at the YFS Main Office (336 First Student Centre) as of 10am on January 22nd.

The All-Candidates meeting will be held on January 31st at 6pm in the First Student Centre, Room 103.

The Campaigning period will be from February 3rd to February 14th at 4pm.

The Executive Debate will take place in person at the Keele Campus and online on February 5th at 10am. More details to come.

The Voting period will be from February 11th to February 14th. Voting will be available both in person and virtually, please find further details below.


List of Candidates:



President - Somar Abuaziza (Students United)
Vice President Operations - Yara Cheaito (Students United)
Vice President Campaigns & Advocacy - Symone Lennon (Students United), Taha Ghazi (M.A.N.D.E.M)
Vice President Equity - Madjeuyo Néomie Ngakam (Students United)
Vice President Campus Life - Diana Amanullah, Emir Skrijelj (Students United), Harris Khan (M.A.N.D.E.M)


Faculty of Education - Danyeah Downie (Students United)
Faculty of Environment and Urban Change - Rachelle Abi-Najem (Students United)
Faculty of Arts, Media, Performance and Design - Zav Jenabian (Students United)
Faculty of Health - Ahsan Ali (Students United)
Faculty of Lassonde School of Engineering - Maisha Tasnim Khan (Students United), Omar Mirza (M.A.N.D.E.M)
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies - Meenakshi (Meena) Cullity Younger (Students United)
Faculty of Science - Rahela Mojadiddi, Rohit Tiwari (Students United), Satyam Verma
Bethune College - Stephanie Luong (Students United)
Calumet College - Marie-Ange Tshiendela (Students United)
Founders College - Doreen Scow (Students United)
Glendon College - Aysha Badat (Students United)
Markham College - Elleanna Ali (Students United)
McLaughlin College - Nikki Naeimi (Students United)
New College - Michelle Imanose Omijeh (Students United)
Schulich School of Business - Emmanuel Kalemba (Students United), Muhammad Omer Atif (M.A.N.D.E.M)
Stong College - Adhwaith Srikanth (M.A.N.D.E.M), Jessica Enoyiogiere (Students United)
Vanier College - Teija Charles (Students United)
Winters College - Miebi Anga (Students United)

Please note: According to YFS by-laws, all positions (including uncontested positions) are subject to be voted on by the membership.


Voting Information





Please have your York ID and student number ready when casting your vote.

There are 12 polling stations across the Keele, Glendon, and Markham campuses:

Vari Hall Rotunda (2)
Scott Library - Central Square (2)
Lassonde Building
Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building Lobby
Vanier College Lobby
Centre for Film & Theatre Lobby
First Student Centre Lobby
Second Student Centre
Glendon College Cafeteria, near the ATM
Markham Campus (first floor atrium)

Please note: On Thursday, February 13th, the Markham and Glendon campus polling stations will be closed due to weather conditions. The Keele campus stations will remain operational.


Both in-person and virtual polling stations will be open the following hours:

Tuesday, February 11th to Thursday, February 13th - 9:00am to 7:00pm

Friday, February 14th - 9:00am to 4:00pm

Please note: On Wednesday, February 12th at 1:00pm, the Vari Hall Rotunda polling stations will be located in Ross Link until 7:00pm.


Please have your York ID and student number ready, and be prepared to turn your camera on to verify your York ID.


Executive Candidate Debate


The Executive Candidate Debate is taking place on Wednesday, February 5th at 10:00am in the First Student Centre, Room 430 (YUGSA Graduate Lounge).

The Executive Candidate Debate provides candidates the opportunity to speak about their platforms.
It also gives members the chance to ask questions to candidates about their goals and priorities, if elected. 

The debate will be accessible through Zoom, as well as in-person. Please find the link to join through the button on the right.


For more information on the election, please visit our by-laws or reach out to cro@yfs.ca with any questions or concerns.