Creating Safe(r) Spaces
No Means No
No Means No is a campaign of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) to raise awareness and to reduce the occurrence of rape culture, victim blaming and gender-based violence.
Although it is a campaign that was developed 10 years ago, it is an issue that is very relevant on our campus today. The incidents of sexual assaults this past year have highlighted the need for a deeper look at issues around sexual violence on our campus.
The YFS will continue to push for a new METRAC as an external safety auditor, and insure that student's voices are heard when it comes to finding solutions to safety issues on our campus.
The YFS believes that a safe campus means much more than installing lighting and security cameras. A safe campus means looking at safety and security through a holistic lens, changing cultural values on campus, building community, providing proper anti-oppression training to all members of the York community, as well as enhancing existing mechanisms.