Cops off Campus!

Police Raid on York U Encampment


Find a copy of our statement here.

Find resources on your rights when interacting with police here.

Find resources for mental health supports here.

Toronto Police Services continue to disproportionately target Indigenous, Black and Racialized students via surveillance tactics and police violence. Even today, June 6, students witnessed facial recognition vehicles circling the Harry W. Arthurs Commons, and students were subjected to carding and bag searches as they entered campus. We know that students do not feel safe on their own campuses when Police are present.

If you have experienced any form of discrimination or harassment, or felt unsafe in any way due to police presence on York University campuses, please share your experience with us below.


Police Presence at York U 2023-2024


June 6, 2024 - Bus Loop/Harry W. Arthurs Commons

Encampment cleared by TPS under the guidance of the York University admin; destruction of a Sacred Fire; students’ belongings stolen by police and private company.

X Post Showing Heavy Police Presence

Article: Police Dismantle pro-Palestinian encampment at York University

X Post by YUProfs4Encampment

York statement regarding encampment on campus

York statement regarding removal of encampment


February 2, 2024 - HNES Building, Room 140

TPS officers interrupted a lecture by Dr. M. Muhannad Ayyash on Palestinian liberation and decolonization; TPS officers mentioned that they had been called by York University to respond to a “major event” and “possible protest” on campus; YorkU admin promised to investigate and release a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the presence of police on campus; no such MOU has been released to the public nor further information regarding the investigation.

X Post Advertising the Event

X Post Following the Event

Statement from

Article: Cops crashed my talk on Palestine (and proved my point about colonialism)

Statement from Middle East Studies Association North America


October 23, 2023 - Bus Loop/Harry W. Arthurs Commons

“All Out for Gaza” rally outside of Vari Hall; police presence around bus loop along coordinating with York campus security

Article: York engulfed by protests, demonstrations, and events over Israel-Hamas conflict and student unions’ dispute

Photos and Video of the Event