step by step guide

How To Opt Out


Students starting in Winter 2025 have from January 1, 2025, to February 7, 2025, to opt out of the plan.

The Fall Opt-out Application is now closed as the deadline to complete was on October 18, 2024.

The Winter Term opt-out application is only available for students who are beginning their studies in the Winter 2025 term (deadline February 7, 2025). Students who began in the Fall 2024 term are not eligible to opt out of the plan during the Winter 2025 opt-out window.

The Fall Term opt-out application is only available for students who are beginning their studies in the Fall 2024 term (deadline October 18, 2024).

Please be sure to read this page for all steps on how to opt-out.

Please note if your opt-out application is successful, it takes up to three weeks for the refund.


Step 1

Please ensure that this section says “York Federation of Students” as this is the only opt-out form for York Undergraduate students.

Make sure that the format inputted for program start date is in the exact format listed, including slashes eg.“2024/09/01”



Step 2

Complete the following information regarding your student status at York University.

Under “STUDENT UNION/ASSOCIATION” please input “York Federation of Students”.

Note: All students opting out using this form should indicate “Undergraduate” as this form is strictly for Undergraduate students



Step 3

Check “Health and Dental” when declining your benefits.

You cannot OPT OUT of Health or Dental individually as the coverage is a combination of both benefits.



Step 4

For ALTERNATE HEALTH/DENTAL PROVIDER, please input the name of the insurance company you are currently covered by. DO NOT include the name of the employer your parents work for but rather the insurance company the employer works with. You may include name of Employer under “NAME OF EMPLOYER”.

PLAN MEMBER HEALTH/DENTAL NUMBER may also be referred to as “Member ID” on your insurance card. Please input your Member ID if that is what’s listed on your card.

Important Note: If your coverage includes BOTH Health and Dental from one provider, please include the same provider name, group/policy number and health/dental number for both “ALTERNATE HEALTH PROVIDER” and “ALTERNATE DENTAL PROVIDER”.



Step 5

Please ensure that all information submitted is 100% accurate as you only receive ONE opportunity to fill out this form!



Step 6

You will be sent a confirmation email that acknowledges your submission of the opt-out form. Please keep this email until you receive your refund as the confirmation number is what you will use to inquire on the status of your opt-out when notifying our team.

If you did not receive an email but did receive a confirmation number on the opt-out form, please retain the number for inquiry purposes.

Note: This confirmation of submission does not guarantee your opt-out, it simply means your application is under review. If your application is approved you will receive a refund/reversal of the fee in 2-3 weeks.
