The 2018 Provincial Elections are right around the corner and we highly recommend that you as the student voice exercise your right to vote! To make sure that you're empowered with all the knowledge you need to make an educated vote, we've put together this summary and comparison of party platforms, FAQ's on how to vote, and other helpful links!
“Ask Owen” is a resource created by Elections Ontario to answer any questions you may have about voting.
Although this resource will not answer any questions pertaining to the parties and their platforms, it can help you register to vote, find polling locations and how to cast your vote!
The Canadian Federation of Students Ontario have compiled a summary of the 2018 election platforms for the Green Party, the Ontario New Democratic Party, the Ontario Liberal Party and the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. These summaries are based on the following topics:
Image content:
Here listed are the promises of the four major parties based on the pillars of the Fairness for Students Demands campaign as seen in the images above.
CLIMATE CHANGE: a stronger government approach in fighting climate change.
Green Party:
· Set greenhouse gas target emissions
· Create a revenue-neutral carbon fee and dividend system.
· Return all pollution tac revenue to citizens’ bank accounts.
· Accelerate the target for net zero buildings and revise the Ontario Building Code to mandate that all new buildings meet net-zero standard.
· Set greenhouse gas target emissions.
· Create a revenue neutral carbon fee and dividend system.
· Return all pollution tax revenue to citizens bank accounts.
· Accelerate targets for net zero buildings and revise the Ontario Building Code to mandate that all new buildings meet net-zero standard.
· Create a dedicated funding stream for green infrastructure.
· Create effective building upgrade programs for "green heat" sources.
· Develop a clean and affordable electricity system.
· Create water treatment systems that will end long-term boil water advisories.
· Cleanup the mercury in the English and Wabigoon river systems.
· Oppose the reverse flow of Line 9.
· Phase out the bottled water industry.
· Set greenhouse gas target emissions.
· Spend 25 per cent of cap-and-trade revenues to support lower-income, rural, and northern households, and trade-exposed industries.
· Introduce a new $50 million no-interest and on-bill home retrofit program to help people consume less power at home.
· Update the Environmental Bill of Rights.
· Clean up the mercury in the English and Wabigoon River systems.
Liberal Party:
· Continue to use Ontario's cap-and-trade program to set a hard cap on greenhouse gas emissions.
· Invest up to $1.7 billion in home energy renovations and Ontario businesses through the Green Ontario Fund.
· Launch a study to identity the localized impact of air pollution on First Nations and Sarnia-area residents.
· Invest $15 million over three years to protect Ontario's natural heritage and biodiversity.
PC Party:
· Get rid of cap and trade carbon tax.
FOOD SECURITY: a comprehensive food system that is healthy, sustainable and reliable.
Green Party:
· Protect local food supplies by banning the use of neonicotinoid pesticides.
· Set measurable Ontario food purchasing targets. Pass the Organic Products Act and implement a long-term Organic Growth Strategy.
· Establish an Ontario Food and Farming Policy Council.
· Increase funding support for local food and beverage processors.
· Develop a Provincial Food and Water Strategy to: promote health through access to healthy food, put public access to drinking water first and strengthen the resilience of Ontario's food systems.
Liberal Party:
· Launch the Food Security and Climate Change Impact Fund, which will focus on community-led initiatives, such as food hubs and nutrition literacy programs; indigenous-led initiatives, such as improving access to traditional foods; and, increasing northern access to food through reducing costs and environmental impacts of the retailing, storage and transportation of food.
PC Party:
· No mention of food security.
DIVESTMENT: an end to investment in war, fossil fuels and resource extraction.
Green Party:
· Phase out funding for infrastructure that relies on fossil fuels and increases Ontario's greenhouse gas emissions.
· Apply a climate lens to all planning decisions, environmental assessments and planning laws to help transition our communities to a fossil-fuel free future.
· No mention of divestment.
Liberal Party:
· No mention of divestment.
PC Party:
· No mention of divestment.
HEALTH CARE: OHIP for International Students, better support for trans students, and increased and diverse mental health resources.
Green Party:
· Implement a universal dental care program.
· Increase funding for mental health and addictions support for children and youth.
· Increase culturally-competent and diverse mental health and addictions services.
· Mandate training for primary health care practitioners on the health care needs of trans and gender-diverse people.
· Provide supports for racialized groups, LGBTC1-1- and those with disabilities in colleges and universities.
· Implement free Pharmacare coverage for everyone.
· Invest $590 million over five years to expand mental health services.
· Hire 2,200 new mental health care workers.
· Fully cover the cost of transition drugs.
· Ensure that health care decisions respect the internationally accepted standards of care established by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).
Liberal Party:
· Invest $6 million per year to support the development and/or expansion of mental health services on campus.
· Establish a new Local Service Priority Fund to strengthen mental health supports for underserved populations.
· Improve access to relevant, high-quality services for all.
PC Party:
· Invest $1.9 billion over the next decade in mental health and addiction services.
HOUSING: affordable, safe, well maintained and secured student housing.
Green Party:
· Work with communities to develop a plan to improve access to affordable housing across the province.
· Put a tax on vacant property to make it harder for speculators to use real estate as a lucrative place to park cash.
· Build new affordable housing over the next decade and encourage an array of housing options.
Liberal Party:
· Implement policy changes to curb rental and house prices.
· Create incentives of $125-million over five-years to encourage the construction of new purpose-built rental apartment buildings by rebating a portion of development charges.
PC Party:
· Work with municipalities to develop a broad Housing Plan.
· Increase the supply of affordable housing across the GTA.
CHILD CARE: universal child care services that prioritize students for on-campus centres.
Green Party:
· Provide incentive to offset the capital costs for businesses to set up onsite daycare, with hours matching the working hours of the businesses.
· Provide free child care for households making $40,000 or less and a childcare subsidy of $12 a day for most families.
Liberal Party:
· Invest $2.2 billion over three years to increase access to child care and introduce free preschool for children ages two and a half to kindergarten.
PC Party:
· No mention of child care services.
RECONCILIATION: a government that upholds First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ right to post-secondary education.
Green Party:
· Support increases to Indigenous Student Bursary funding to keep pace with rising Indigenous population and enrolment.
· Support the Ontario Indigenous Children and Youth Strategy.
· Establish cultural competency training requirements on Indigenous issues for public-facing professionals.
· Implement the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Liberal Party:
· Increase inclusionary learning by supporting Indigenous institutes to expand capacity and strengthen their role as an important and unique pillar in Ontario’s post-secondary system.
PC Party:
· No mention of upholding First Nation, Métisand Inuit students’ rights to post-secondary education.
FRENCH LANGUAGE EDUCATION: new funding for French-Language Universities.
Green Party:
· No mention of French language post-secondary education.
· Committed to opening the French Language University.
Liberal Party:
· Committed to opening the French Language University and will include French-language content in the Ontario Open Textbooks initiative.
PC Party:
· No mention of French language post-secondary education.
TRANSIT: public transit that is affordable, reliable and energy efficient.
Green Party:
· Increase funding for public transit infrastructure to $1.5 billion per year.
· Fund 50 per cent of the operating costs of municipal transit systems.
· Invest $800 million annually to cover 50 per cent of all municipal transit
operating costs.
· Introduce all-day, two-way GO rail between Kitchener, Waterloo and Toronto.
· Start construction on Hamilton's LRT and Toronto's downtown relief line.
Liberal Party:
· Increase funding by $24 billion for public transit projects.
· Earmark $11 billion for a high-speed rail line between Toronto to Windsor.
· Allocate $4 billion from the provincial infrastructure budgets for public transit projects across Ontario between now and 2028.
PC Party:
· Increase funding by $5 billion for subways, relief lines and two-way GO transit to Niagara.
· Invest in Hamilton infrastructure projects.
· Develop new transportation infrastructure in Northern Ontario's James Bay lowlands.
WORKERS' RIGHTS: minimum wage, precarious work, scheduling and paid sick days requires strong legislation to protect student workers.
Green Party:
· Increase minimum wage to $15 per hour on January 1, 2019.
· Increase minimum wage to $15 per hour and index to CPI.
· Remove the sub-minimum wage for students, restaurants and bar staff.
Liberal Party:
· Increase minimum wage to $15 per hour on January 1, 2019.
PC Party:
· Freeze minimum wage at $14.
TUTION FEES: a reduction and elimination of tuition fees for all.
Green Party:
· Guarantee free tuition for Ontario residents and regulate tuition fees to the Ontario Consumer Price Index (CPI).
· Index funding for institutions to the national average.
· Provide interest-free student loans for students with financial needs.
· Convert all student loans into grants and retroactively forgive interest for anyone with provincial student loan debts.
· Lift the budget freeze on institutions and maintain increased levels of funding.
Liberal Party:
· Reduce the expected parental and spousal contributions for OSAP, making it easier for middle-income and married students to receive financial aid.
PC Party:
· No mention of tuition fees or financial aid. Doug Ford has said he would seek to tie post-secondary funding to free speech, to restrict limitations imposed by institutions regarding what is considered hateful speech on campus.
QUALITY OF EDUCATION: education that provides the necessary academic supports to succeed.
Green Party:
· Establish a contract minimum of three courses per semester for contract faculty to avoid precarity of employment.
· Increase funding for food security programs and improve access to gender and culturally-sensitive mental health services on campus.
· Provide supports for racialized groups, LGBTQ+ and students with disabilities.
· Launch a faculty renewal strategy to promote full-time employment and invest more in tenure-track faculty positions.
Liberal Party:
· Maintain investment of $6 million per year to expand mental health services at colleges and universities.
PC Party:
· No mention of investing in academic support services.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sébastien Lalonde, VP Campaigns & Advocacy, at: